Sunday, July 19, 2009

Take me out to the ball game

This weekend we had the opportunity to attend
a minor league ballgame (courtesy of some
local businesses). As you can see from the
picture below, it was military appreciation
night. These guys were a hoot, chanting away,
giving it their "hooah" best all night long.

As the t-shirt says, "There is strong, then there
is Army Strong". We certainly do appreciate
their strength and courage to lay it on the line
for our country.

The Navy was there as well, below we see the
Navy choir ensemble head out through the
crowd after finishing their rendition of "God
Bless America". They did us proud!

And the local team had on a special
camouflage jerseys that were auctioned off
after the game.

Even the mascot got in to the spirit of the day.

The game was a good one, with the home
team winning. "Hooah"!

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