Sunday, August 16, 2009

Across the Globe and Back - Part 3

Well, here we are approaching some ancient
ruins out in the middle of nowhere. I can just
hear the roar of the approaching Army's soldiers
and horses.

A close up shot of the fortress...

Large columns used to line the path to the
fortress, only a few are left standing.

Yours truly in an archway...
Do you see any Romans/Turks
rolling over in their graves?

The group decided to climb up to the top of
the fortress. Did I mention it was almost
100 degrees outside?

So about half way up the hill, we ran across
this sign. Sorry to say we didn't see any
acrobats or barefooted priestesses running over
hot coals. Good thing this trip up the mountain
was free of charge....

Of course, along the way was your standard,
everyday, run of the mill amphitheater...

Lunch anyone? We went native with a loaf
of fresh bread, olives and some really salty
white cheese.

Yours truly again at the top....
And what a view it was at the top. You can
only imagine what an elaborate entrance
it may have been back in the day.

After the climb back down it was off to a cold,
mountain spring fed swimming pool out in the
countryside. This facility was also out in the
middle of nowhere. Hands down the cleanest
water I have ever experienced in a pool. Can't say
it is the coldest water I have been in, that would have
to be the time I jumped in the water above the
Arctic Circle (refer to one of my older postings).
We ran into this little fellow outside the pool,
looks like he could of used a quick dip in the

I always find it interesting to take note of
signs in foreign lands, and here we have a
familiar shape. And yes, stop we did.

The ride back to the base was interesting,
here's a nice snapshot of one of the local
means of transportation...

I managed to snap this one... someone was
having a bad day! Fortunately, no one was

And I rarely pass up an opportunity to
capture a photo of a flag...
My next posting will wrap up my trip across
the globe. "Food" will be the theme.

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