Sunday, May 16, 2010

Signs of Spring!

Signs of Spring are ever present these days, the
Farmers Markets are in full bloom. Here's one
on one of the local college campuses.

Although there was plenty of yummy things to
buy here 's what we ended up purchasing. We
have not opened yet, but Chris had a sample and said
it was delicious. This will make a nice snack, maybe
on one of our walks thru the "Cove".

Another sign of Spring, our flowers have
started to bloom. Here we have some large
Irises that are growing on the side of our
stone steps leading up to the house. Our
neighbor just gave us several trays that were
full of herbs, now we just have to get them in
the ground. Will show you those later.

Fresh strawberries anyone! These came out
of our strawberry patch. We had some
neighbors over today to test them out. Add
a scoop of Ben & Jerry's Vanilla ice cream,
and BAM, life on the farm is good.

Did someone mention strawberries? Hey,
wait you forgot something! .....
Moi' - (that's 'me' in french by the way!)

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