Friday, October 30, 2009

Blank Canvas & Our New Friend Comes To Visit

About half of our house has white walls and
you know with an artist "In The HOUSE",
that will just not do! So, a trip to Lowes and
a quart of Valspar "Orange Toffee" comes home
with us. Here she is making the first strokes
with her brush. All smiles here, COLOR!

Throw on some classical music and you have
the composer furiously waving "it" about on
her blank canvas. Sorry, you will have to wait
until later to see the finished product.

Guess who showed up, full of energy of course.
Yes, our man "Jack". Here he is playing fetch
one of our gourds. These beautiful gourds grow
in our garden on the side of the house.

We spoke to Jack's Mom the other day, Jack
is not quite two years old and is a Husky/Lab
mix. And like all those around two years old,
he is a bundle of energy, but as you can see
we got him to settle down for a few minutes
for this photo.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice dog seems to like you guys more than his owner,I think you got yourselfs a pet. He's beautiful. Would like to see more of the inside of the house. Good luck Chris on the painting. Love Mom